Geochemical and Geoenvironmental Monitoring Lab

The Geochemical and Geoenvironmental Monitoring Lab provides support to research on the following topics:


-Environmental and geo-biological monitoring of earth ecosystems.

-Response of ecosystems to natural environmental changes and to those induced by human interactions.

-Earthquake impacts and analysis of soil and structures vibrations.

-A mid-long term, development of technological alternatives for removal or storage of GEI’s; identification of new cost-efficient methods to mitigate CH4 emissions; development of new strategies for CO2 sequestration in underground environments.

The laboratory is available to perform sampling, environmental impact studies, and analysis of air and water quality in the field, as well as analytical services on samples provided by clients.


-Analysis of air samples (concentration of CO2, CH4 y H2Ov and δ13C-CO2, δ13C-CH4).

-Analysis of water samples (major and trace elements) and determination of pH, C.E., TDS, ORV, resistivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen.

-Environmental and geo-chemical monitoring of earth ecosystems in different climate contexts.

- Applying isotopic chemistry and environmental monitoring of ecosystems to quantify flux exchanges of CO2, CH4, and N2O between earth ecosystems and the atmosphere.

- Geophysical characterization of the subsoil.

-Structural monitoring: Modal analysis, vibration analysis (UNI9916, DIN4150) and surveillance.

-Seismic hazard and risk assessments. Seismic site response and microzonation.


Picarro G2101 portable spectrometer to measure CO2, δ13C and H2Ov concentration in air samples.

- Picarro G2201-i portable spectrometer to measure the concentration of CO2, CH4 and H2Ov in the air and δ13C of in CO2, CH4, in air samples.

- Gasmet DX 4040 portable environmental gas analyser that provides reliable measurements with low detection limits (<1ppm) of CO2, N2O, CH4, NH3, NO2, SO2, H2S, as well as other trace gases (CO, HBr, HCl, HF, CH3COOH, etc.)

- Multiparametric environmental monitoring stations (temperature, humidity, wind, pressure, gases)

- AeroTrack 9306 and Fluke 985 TSI devices for continuous recording of suspended particles in 6 ranges of particle size (0.3- 0.5-1-3-5-10 and >10 µm)


- ATP monitoring to measure true total microorganism concentration in a wide variety of surfaces and solids (sediments, deposits, rocks), biofilm and cellular ATP in water samples.

- Hanna Multiparametric portable probe (pH/mV, ORP, EC, TDS, Resistivity, Salinity, OD and Temperature).

- Tromino ENGY multiparameter (speed, acceleration, GPS) and multichannel equipment, with synchronization via radio or GPS, for ground and structure vibration analysis.

- SOSEWIN 2.5 equipment (acceleration, GPS) autonomous and synchronizable in wireless network, for ground vibration analysis and structure control.

- Specific processing and modelling software.

Corporate computer and office software (GIS/ArcGis, Matlab, Office automation, etc.)

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