Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology
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- Martínez-Solano González Iñigo
- Web
Staff Scientist
Head of Department
- Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology
Historia evolutiva, biología y conservación de anfibios ibéricos

- Doadrio Ignacio
Research Professor
- Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology
Inventory, classification and description of the biodiversity of continental Ichthyofauna,:the comprehension of their evolutionary processes and the mechanisms that give rise to their diversification

- Milá Borja
- Web
Distinguished Researcher
- Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology
Using field and molecular techniques to understand the evolutionary processes that generate and maintain biodiversity.

- Recuerda Carrasco María
PhD Student (FPU)
- Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology
I am interested in the genomic basis of adaptation

Systematics, dispersal and conservation of anostracans.