Research advisor: Yolanda Fernández Jalvo (email:

Scientific coordination: Research Team of Taphonomy of the MNCN

Technical Assistance: M.Dolores Pesquero (email:

Location: Ground floor at the Pinar 25 building.

Tel.: +34 91 566 8965 & +34 91 566 8928/Fax:+34 91 566 8960.

*(BEFORE: Laboratory of Experimental Taphonomy LET)

The Laboratory of Experimental Taphonomy, at the National Museum of Natural Sciences (Madrid, Spain), is the first laboratory worldwide of these characteristics. This laboratory has been created by the Research Team of Taphonomy of the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. This is an emergent laboratory that offers diverse programmable equipments to test and monitor mechanical processes such as compression and abrasive experiments, as well as atmospheric and early bone diagenesis agents in action.

The origin of the laboratory is the taphonomic study of macro- and microvertebrates, but we have already experienced with pollen and can work with samples of different nature such as shells, seeds, coal, lithic artefacts or even construction materials or paper. The laboratory may have an interest, not only for goals and archaeo-paleontological samples, biological, geological and / or forensic but also for preservation of specimens that are stored in basements or singular deposits.

NEW programmable customized equipments to test and monitor mechanical processes in action: programmable compression (materials Testing), abrasive experiments (sandblasting, rotary tumblers), climatic/environmental experiments (Tropical, Arid, Mild/Cold mid-latitudes, Polar; cryogen, CO2; insolation, rain, Relative Humidity fast oscillations), soil superficial/burial simulations.

Environmental Test Equipment

THE CLIMATIC CHAMBER (MQ/ESP-CCI) has been designed to control individually temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, rain and pollution by CO2. The equipment is also designed to test climatic cycles by programming specific values of atmospheric parameters to reproduce desert, savannah, tropical forest, Mediterranean climates.

Function Temperature- environmental temperatures vary between - 20 ºC and +80ºC. Maintaining critical relative humidity at 20% can be programmed constant with custom-built software that dries at low temperatures up to -10ºC.

Function of Relative Humidity- Values of relative humidity while using cryogen cannot be maintained fixed. The equipment, however, has the capacity of programming environmental relative humidity in conventional mode between +10 %RH + /- 1 %RH, until saturation.

Function of Solar Radiation- Radiant spectrum lamps (UV radiation, visible and near infrared) similar to the radiation emitted by the sun, based in ionisable gas at high pressure in quartz glass and a spiral of tungsten incandescent, (average power radiated of approx. 800 W/m2, with an installed power of approx. 5 KW/m2, without glass filters of insulation) equivalent to the radiation recorded in Ecuador in the peak of solar (at noon). The total installed power of radiation is obtained by four bulbs of 300 watts each

NEW!!! Accelerated Solar Radiation Function

The total number of lamps has been increased to 13 that can combine ultraviolet (UV, <250nm), visible, and infrared (IR, to far IR 3000nm) radiation lamps. The ambient radiation values ​​(between 800W / m2 and 1200W / m2) are achieved without problem with the new camera configuration covering the entire solar spectrum (285 to 3000nm). This new configuration can accelerate the radiation conditions above 2400W / m2, for very extreme acceleration. The characteristics of the climatic chamber allow to program extreme insolation even while maintaining temperature and humidity values ​​controlled to the values ​​that are required. The new configuration allows great versatility in insolation experiments by varying the irradiance conditions (W / m2) with UV and IR lamps at the user's request.

Function of Rain- using sprinklers of approximate an angle of 60 degrees in the centre of symmetry of the test chamber. Like the rest of the functions, the time and the time of entry of the role of rain is commanded by the program. The chamber will prevent perform this function in incompatible conditions such as spraying corresponded with programs of freezing temperature, although simulation of the formation of ice can be obtained using a program of cold after the rain.

Function of CO2 pollution. This function is controlled by an infrared sensor driven from the program. This function is selected by a selector switch that activates the additional control from the program. The system needs external connection of CO2 to the chamber reaching concentrations between 0 and 3000ppm at the interior of the chamber. When using this function, a red light on top of the chamber switches on warning to open the door while the experiment is running. The mean duration of these CO2 experiments may be one to two weeks depending on the nature of the sample and experiment objective.

Function of cryogeny - Extreme temperatures to reach -60 ºC or to accelerate fast temperature oscillations from +80 to -60ºC can also be programmed connecting liquid nitrogen to the chamber. The transit speed recommended is 20 to 30 minutes, a fast ramp to allow a fast temperature alternation.

Automatic programming system of climatic cycles and of functional variables - Programming up to 9 different climatic programs, nineteen segments per program (ramps or maintenance) and repetition up to 999 cycles or infinity. - Maximum time possible by segment programmable up to 99 hours 59 minutes. - Minimum time programmable for segment 1 minute or 1 hour.

- Possible programmable range of temperatures, humidity and CO2 concentration: All included in the limits of the equipment.

- Rain and solar exposure time of fixed radiation.

- Appreciation of 0.1ºC, 1% RH and 1ppm CO2.

- Programming up to 9 different programs.

- Nineteen segments per program (ramps or maintenance).

- Repeat up to 999 cycles or infinity.

- Maximum programmable time possible per segment up to 99 hours 59 minutes.

- Minimum programmable time per segment 1 minute or 1 hour.

- Programming of relative humidity in percentage.

- Automatic generation of ramps by linear interpolation between extreme values ​​at each step.

- Specific regulation algorithm to avoid excessive deviations of relative humidity during transitions (Absence of condensation)

- Memory power by battery.

The interior dimensions of the chamber are 600mm high x 600mm wide x 600mm deep

The specimens are placed horizontally on a platform adjustable in height.

The mean duration of standard climatic chamber experiments can be 1 to 3 months or more depending on the nature of the sample and the objective of the experiment. The mean duration of the CO2 experiments may be one to two weeks depending on the nature of the sample and experiment objectives. Finally, the mean duration of experiments using criogeny can be days depending on the nature of the sample and the experiment objective.



 Cortesy of Xiomara Cantera (MNCN)

Built by the MRSE company, LLC (Canada) specialized in outdoor programmable greenhouses for development of plants at temperatures below 0 °F (-18 ºC). The greenhouse was built to operate in interior and allow the programming of temperature, humidity and soil, with infrared and ultraviolet light (simultaneous and/or independent) to simulate longer days with values of tropical, temperate or more extreme climates. Electronic programming Greenhouse, temperature, humidity and ventilation, with ultraviolet and infrared lights working independently. Experiments simulate early diagenesis situations of superficial burial under different soil quality or growing different types of plants to obtain root marking on the samples exposed. The mean duration of these experiments can be 1 to 3 months or more depending on the nature of the sample and the experiment objective.




The equipment has a single column to test loads and high accuracy measurements. This compression instrument simulates processes of compaction by sediment, subaereal compression, deformation efforts and impact fractures of static materials at high speed range.

The equipment is connected to a standard PC to measure the strength, time of experimentation to fracture and values and diagrams of deformation/microfracture and fracture. Different tools and accessories are available for compression and bending efforts that can be programmed from 5 grams to 500 kilograms-force along a variable time and speed of compression.

These experiments need the technician attendance, and the rate is calculated per hour.

Long term compression/deformation using a Hydraulic shop press. This equipment is not automated or computer controlled, only maintains a constant weight (up to 30 tons) for the time needed.


ABRASION: sand-blasting cabinet: basic sandblasting to simulate the erosion in deserts sand-wind. These experiments need the attendance of the technician (1st day rate), but are performed during the day, so there is not fee of subsequent days.  Air guns that project sand by means compressed air. Exterior Dimensions (Width x Height x Depth): 660 x 490 x 500mm Dimensions cab interior (Width x Height x Depth): 575 x 450 x 280 front-350 fund Weight: 20Kg. Made in steel and equipped with a pistol, four nozzles, gloves, lighting and 5 protector sheets of the window.

Polishing motorized tumblers to simulate friction of different sediment size grain (clay to gravel) in water currents or dry friction. These experiments use to be running along a time range of weeks-months.


  • Ultrasonic baths, manual micro-cutter, microscopes adapted to the study of large format or small dimension samples and magnifier lamps, experiment glass containers, refrigerators and freezers.

Samples are photographed before and after the experiments using optical microscopes with automatized focus in z and high resolution DIGITAL camera.

- Reports and data processing of experiments including interpretation and all the artwork and complete taphonomic studies may also be done, but they must be budgeted according to the amount of sample provided for the study and whether the study exceeds 40 working days.

Para saber más



Research advisor: Yolanda Fernández Jalvo (email:

Scientific coordination: Research Team of Taphonomy of the MNCN

Technical Assistance: M.Dolores Pesquero (email:

Location: Ground floor at the Pinar 25 building.

Tel.: +34 91 566 8965 & +34 91 566 8928/Fax:+34 91 566 8960.

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