Fitze Patrick S.



Research group:

Population Dynamics and Evolution

Dinámica de Poblaciones y Evolución (DiPEv)


Wos Researcher ID: C-1377-2011

Scopus Author ID: 9743147100

Orcid Researcher ID: 0000-0002-6298-2471



Adaptability to climatic variability

Environmental predictability may crucially affect life-history evolution, population dynamics and adaptability. Theoretic work suggests that environmental predictability may be more important than demographic stochasticity, because it operates at all populations sizes equally. To provide solid evidence for the importance of environmental predictability and for how changes in environmental predictability (e.g. due to current climate change) may affect growth, reproduction and adaptation, we experimentally test its effects on different plant species (Onobrychis viciifolia, Papaver rhoeas, Festuca arundinacea) and on common lizards (Zootoca vivipara). These studies consist of individually based analyses and analyses on the population level.


study organisms









Animals display a wide range of different colours, which may function as honest signals providing information about health, condition, mating status, etc. To understand why animals show exaggerated coloration, knowledge about the mechanisms that determine coloration and about the function of the coloration is needed. Investigating coloration should thus link mechanisms with behaviour. We are interested in the mechanisms that determine the coloration of nestling and adult great tits and in why they display yellow plumage feathers already as nestlings.

Ventral coloration of Zootoca vivipara

At the same time we are investigating why common lizards Zootoca vivipara show a colourful ventral coloration. Its ventral coloration ranges from white to orange colours in the Pyrenees and from yellow to dark orange colours in the Cévennes (France). We are interested in the determinants of this coloration and its implications for sexual selection and population dynamics.


Sexual conflict
Sexual conflict over mating decisions may lead to the evolution of male- and female-specific mating strategies. While it is generally accepted that copulating with many females leads to increased male fitness, it is less obvious why females copulate with several males. Sex specific reproductive strategies may translate into sex specific life histories, which then may directly affect population dynamics. In the polygynandrous common lizard Zootoca vivipara we are investigating the mating behaviour of both males and females, how the strength of the sexual conflict affects mating decisions, and whether sexual conflict affects population dynamics.


Dispersal and population dynamics
One of the first major decisions offspring are faced with, is the decision over staying where they were born, or dispersing. Which sex disperses, and the reasons of dispersal may be very diverse. Some patterns may however be constant in time (e.g. female offspring are more likely to disperse), while others might be context-dependent. We are mainly interested in why some but not all individuals disperse, in the associated costs or benefits, and in how dispersal affects population dynamics. For this purpose we are working with common lizards Zootoca vivipara where we run experiments on the population level.


Current and past evolution of animal populations

We are investigating the evolutionary mechanisms that led to the current genetic, morphologic, phenotypic, and behavioural variability. We integrate behavioural data, genetic data, morphometric measures, ecological niche data, and geological data. More specifically, we are principally interested in the relative contribution of the different types of evolution (e.g. ecological patterns, allopatric speciation,...) to the observed variability. Our study organisms are the Spanish Sandracer (Psammodromus hispanicus), the Common Lizard (Zootoca vivipara), and several bird species.



Lab Members - DiPEv

(Alumni listed after publications)


Postdoctoral fellows

Jose Luis Hórreo Escandon          Population Genetics, Phylogenetics,



PhD students

Martí March Salas                           Plant adaptability

Guillem Maso i Ferrerons              Lizard adaptability

Rebeca Vicente Moreno                Lizard adaptability


Master students (TFM)

Cecilia Gimeno Castellano            Effects of environmental predict-

                                                              ability on ornamental coloration


Last year proyects (TFG)

Miriam Ibáñez Herranz                  Evolution of body size and other traits

Cristina Ruíz Cámara                    Reproductive strategies


María Urieta Lardiés                        Experimental System Jaca


Selected Projects

Efectos de la estacionalidad y del color ambiental sobre la evolución de la historia de la vida.
Reference: CGL2016-76918-P
Duration: 30/12/2016 - 29/12/2019
Financed by: Ministerio de Ciencias, Investigación, y Universidades (AEI/FEDER, UE)

Principal Investigator: P.S. Fitze

Determinants of Behavioural Adaptability to Changing Environment.
Reference: CGL2012-32459
Duration: 1/1/2013 - 31/12/2015
Financed by: Ministerio de Economía y Competividad
Principal Investigator: P.S. Fitze

Dinámica de piedra - papel - tijera y la selección sexual de las hembras en la lagartija de turbera (Lacerta vivipara).
Reference: CGL2008 - 01522

Duration: 01/01/2009 - 31/12/2011
Financed by: Ministerio de Economía y Competividad

Principal Investigator: P.S. Fitze





Horreo, Jiménez-Valverde, Fitze (2021) Climatic niche differences among Zootoca vivipara clades with different parity modes: implications for the evolution and maintenance of viviparity. Frontiers in Zoology in press


March-Salas, Fandos, Fitze (2021) Effects of intrinsic environmental predictability on intra-individual and intra-population variability of plant reproductive traits and eco-evolutionary consequences. Annals of Botany 127:413-423. PDF DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcaa096


Partecke, Hegyi, Fitze, Gasparini, Schwabl (2020) Maternal effects and urbanization: Variation of yolk androgenes and immunoglobulin in city and forest blackbirds. Ecology and Evolution 10:2213-2224. PDF DOI:10.1002/ece3.6058  


Maso, Ozgul, Fitze (2020) Decreased precipitation predictability negatively affects population growth through differences in adult survival. American Naturalist 195:43-55 PDF DOI:10.1086/706183   Data: DOI:10.5061/dryad.349sn3f

Horreo, Suárez & Fitze (2020) Reversals in complex traits uncovered as reticulation events: lessons from the evolution of parity-mode, chromosome morphology, and maternal resource transfer. Journal of Experimental Zoology B:Molecular and developmental evolution 334:5-13 PDF DOI:10.1002/jez.b.22912

Maso, Kaufmann, Clavero & Fitze (2019) Age-dependent effects of moderate differences in environmental predictability forecasted by climate change, experimental evidence from a short-lived lizard (Zootoca vivipara). Scientific Reports 9:15546. PDF  DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-51955-7 Data:

March-Salas, van Kleunen & Fitze (2019) Rapid and positive responses of plants to lower precipitation predictability. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286:20191486. PDF DOI:10.1098/rspb.2019.1486    supplementary information  Data: DOI:10.5061/dryad.s558287

March-Salas & Fitze (2019) Changes in environmental predictability alter a plant's chemical composition and associated ecosystem services. Enviromental and Experimental Botany 168: 103865. PDF  DOI:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2019.103865

Horreo, Breedveld, Lindtke, Heulin, Surget-Groba & Fitze (2019) Genetic introgression among differentiated clades is lower among clades exhibiting different parity modes. Heredity 123: 264-272. PDF   DOI:10.1038/s41437-019-0201-7   Data: supplementary material

Romero, Gonzalez-Jimena, Fitze (2019) Corticosterone mediated mate choice affects female mating reluctance and reproductive succes. Hormones and Behavior 113: 1-12. PDF   DOI:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2019.04.011

March-Salas & Fitze (2019) A multi-year experiment shows that lower precipitation predictability encourages plants' early life stages and enhances population viability. PeerJ 7:e6443. PDF   DOI:10.7717/peerj.6443   Data: DOI:10.7717/peerj.6443/supp-6

HorreoPeláezBreedveld, Suárez, Urieta & Fitze (2019) Population structure of the oviparous South-West European Common lizard. European Journal of Wildlife Research  65:11. PDF   DOI:10.1007/s10344-018-1242-6

Horreo, Fitze, Jiménez-Valverde, Noriega & Peláez (2019) Amplification of 16S rDNA reveals important fish mislabeling in Madrid restaurants. Food Control 96:146-150. PDF   DOI:10.1016/j.foodcont.2018.09.020

Horreo, Peláez, Suárez, Breedveld, Heulin, Surget-Groba, Oksanen & Fitze (2018) Phylogeography, evolutionary history, and effect of glaciations in a species (Zootoca vivipara) inhabiting multiple biogeographic regions. Journal of Biogeography 45:1616-1627PDF   DOI:10.1111/jbi.13349

Horreo & Fitze (2018) Post-Glacial Colonization of Northern Europe by Reptiles. In Origin and Evolution of Biodiversity. Pantarroti Pierre (Ed). Springer 197-214. PDF   DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-95954-2_12

Megía-Palma, Martínez, Cuervo, Belliure, Jiménez-Robles, Gomes, Cabido, Pausas, Fitze, Martín & Merino (2018) Molecular evidence for host-parasite co-speciation between lizards and Schellackia parasites. International Journal for Parasitology 48:709-718. PDF   DOI:10.1016/j.ijpara.2018.03.003   Data: DOI:10.17632/c6t47jhdhs.1

Horreo, Peláez, Suárez & Fitze (2017) Development and characterization of 79 nuclear markers amplifying in viviparous and oviparous clades of the European common lizard. Genetica 146(1): 115-121. PDF  DOI:10.1007/s10709-017-0002-y

Romero-Diaz, Breedveld & Fitze (2017) Climate effects on growth, body condition and survival
depend on the genetic characteristics of the population.
American Naturalist 190(5): 649-662. PDF  Novelty Statement   DOI:10.1086/693780   Data: DOI:10.5061/dryad.k8776

San-Jose, Huyghe, Schuerch & Fitze (2017) More melanised males bite stronger but run slower: potential performance trade-offs related to melanin-based colouration. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 122(1): 184-196. PDF   DOI:0.1093/biolinnean/blx045   Data: supplementary data

Horreo, Peláez, Suárez, Heulin & Fitze (2017) Development of 34 new and multiplexing of seven existing microsatellite loci for Zootoca vivipara (Squamata: Lacertidae). Phyllomedusa 16(1): 89-96. PDF   DOI: 10.11606/issn.2316-9079.v16i1p89-96

Breedveld, San-Jose, Romero-Diaz, Roldan & Fitze (2017) Mate availability affects the conflict between producing one or multiple annual clutches. Animal Behaviour 123: 43-51. PDF   DOI:10.1016/j.anbehav.2016.10.025

San-Jose, Peñalver-Alcázar, Huyghe, Breedveld & Fitze
(2016) Inter-class competition in stage-structured populations: Effects of adult density on life-history traits of adult and juvenile common lizards.
Oecologia 182: 1063-1074. PDF   DOI:10.1007/s00442-016-3738-7

Breedveld & Fitze (2016) Experimental evidence that sperm maturation drives protandry in an ectotherm. Oecologia 182: 129-137. PDF   DOI:10.1007/s00442-016-3668-4

Horreo, Jiménez-Valverde & Fitze (2016) Ecological change predicts population dynamics and genetic diversity over 120,000 years. Global Change Biology 22: 1737-1745. PDF   DOI:10.1111/gcb.13196

Peñalver-Alcázar, Aragón, Breedveld & Fitze (2016) Microhabitat selection in the common lizard: implications of biotic interactions, age, sex, local processes and model transferability among populations. Ecology and Evolution. 6: 3594-3607. PDF   DOI:10.1002/ece3.2138   Data: DOI:10.5061/dryad.4nb46

Breedveld & Fitze (2016) The timing and interval of mate encounter affects investment during mating. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 118:610-617. PDF   DOI:10.1111/bij.12747

Horreo & Fitze (2015) Population structure of three Psammodromus species in the Iberian Peninsula. PeerJ e994: 1-9. PDF   DOI:10.7717/peerj.994   Data: DOI:10.7717/peerj.994/supp-1, DOI:10.7717/peerj.994/supp-2, DOI:10.7717/peerj.994/supp-3

Horreo, Peláez & Fitze (2015) Skin sheds as a useful DNA source for lizard conservation. Phyllomedusa 14: 73-77. PDF   DOI:10.11606/issn.2316-9079.v14i1p73-77

Peñalver-Alcázar, Romero-Díaz & Fitze (2015) Communal egg-laying in oviparous Zootoca vivipara louislantzi of the Central Pyrenees. Herpetology Notes
8: 4-7. PDF

Breedveld & Fitze (2015) A matter of time: delayed mate encounter postpones mating window initiation and reduces the strength of female choosiness. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69: 533-541. PDF  DOI:10.1007/s00265-014-1864-y

Fitze (2014). Psammodromus hispanicus Fitzinger, 1826. En: Reptiles, 2a edición revisada y aumentada. Salvador, A. (Coordinador). Fauna Ibérica, vol 10., Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. CSIC. Madrid: 330-338

Fitze (2014). Psammodromus edwardsianus (Dugès, 1829). En: Reptiles, 2a edición revisada y aumentada. Salvador, A. (Coordinador). Fauna Ibérica, vol 10., Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. CSIC. Madrid: 313-330

Fitze (2014). Psammodromus occidentalis Fitze et al., 2012. En: Reptiles, 2a edición revisada y aumentada.
Salvador, A. (Coordinador). Fauna Ibérica, vol 10., Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. CSIC. Madrid: 338-353

Fitze, Gonzalez-Jimena, San Jose,  Heulin, Sinervo (2014) Frequency-dependent sexual selection with respect to offspring fitness returns is consistent with predictions from rock-paper-scissors dynamics in the European common lizard.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution PDF   DOI:10.3389/fevo.2014.00077

Fitze (2014) Evolution and Behavior In: The Tree of Life. Vargas, P. & Zardoya, R. (eds.) Sinauer Associates, Inc., pp. 613-619.

Fitze (2014) Evolutionary Ecology In:
The Tree of Life. Vargas, P. & Zardoya, R. (eds.) Sinauer Associates, Inc., pp. 595-611.

Aragón, Fitze (2014) Geographical and temporal body size variation in a reptile: roles of sex, ecology, phylogeny and ecology structured in phylogeny.
PLoS One 9: e104026 PDF   DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0104026

San Jose,  Peñalver, Milá, Gonzalez-Jimena, Fitze (2014) Cumulative frequency-dependent selective episodes allow for rapid morph cylces and rock-paper-scissors dynamics in species with overalpping generations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281:1788 20140976 PDF   DOI:10.1098/rspb.2014.0976   Data: DOI:10.5061/dryad.96n62

San Jose,  Fitze (2013) Corticosterone regulates multiple colour traits in Lacerta [Zootoca] vivipara males. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 2681-2690 PDF   DOI:10.1111/jeb.12265   Data: DOI:10.5061/dryad.km25k

Milá,Surget-Groba, Heulin, Gosá, Fitze (2013) Multilocus phylogeography of the common lizard Zootoca vivipara at the Ibero-Pyrenean suture zone reveals lowland barriers and high-elelvation introgression. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13:192 pp. 1-16. PDF   DOI:10.1186/1471-2148-13-192   Data: Supplementary Material

Huyghe, San-Jose, Peñalver, Fitze (2013) An ecomorphological analysis of the determinants of mating success. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110: 658-664. PDF   DOI:10.1111/bij.12140

Horváthová, Cooney, Fitze, Oksanen, Jelić, Ghira, Uller, and Jandzik (2013) Length of activity season drives geographic variation in body size of a widely distributed lizard. Ecology and Evolution 3:2424-2442. PDF    DOI:10.1002/ece3.613   Data: supporting information

San Jose, Granado-Lorencio, Sinervo, Fitze (2013) Iridophores and not carotenoids account for chormatic variation of carotenoid-based coloration in common lizards (Lacerta vivipara).  American Naturalist 181:396-409. PDF  DOI:10.1086/669159   Data: DOI:10.5061/dryad.93f1r

Romero-Diaz, Richner, Granado-Lorencio, Tschirren, Fitze (2013) Independent sources of condition dependency and multiple pathways determine a composite trait: lessons from carotenoid-based plumage coloration. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 6:635-646. PDF   DOI:10.1111/jeb.12082

Bleu, Le Galliard, Fitze, Meylan, Clobert, Massot (2013) Reproductive allocation strategies: a long-term study on proximate factors and temporal adjustments in a viviparous lizard. Oecologia 171:141-151. PDF   DOI:10.1007/s00442-012-2401-1

San Jose, Gonzalez-Jimena, Fitze (2012) Patterns of phenotypic variation reveal substantial differentiation in sexual dimorphism of three Psammodromus (Squamata, Lacertidae) species. Contributions to Zoology 81:181-197. PDF

Fitze (2012) Western Sand Racer – Psammodromus occidentalis. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Salvador, A., Marco, A. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, 1-16. PDF

Fitze (2012) Lagartija occidental ibérica – Psammodromus occidentalis. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles.
Salvador, A., Marco, A. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, 1-16. PDF

Fitze (2012) Edward's Sand Racer – Psammodromus edwardsianus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Salvador, A., Marco, A. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, 1-18. PDF

Fitze (2012) Lagartija de Edwards – Psammodromus edwardsianus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles.
Salvador, A., Marco, A. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, 1-19. PDF

Fitze (2012) Spanish Sand Racer – Psammodromus hispanicus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Salvador, A., Marco, A. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, 1-7. PDF

Fitze (2012) Lagartija cenicienta – Psammodromus hispanicus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Salvador, A., Marco, A. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, 1-8. PDF

Fitze (2012) Evolución del Comportamiento, Chapter 48 in: Vargas & Zardoya (Eds): El árbol de la vida: sistemática y evolución de los seres vivos. Madrid, 509-515. Homepage, ISBN: 978-84-615-9740-6

Fitze (2012) Ecología Evolutiva, Chapter 47 in: Vargas & Zardoya (Eds): El árbol de la vida: sistemática y evolución de los seres vivos.
Madrid, 493-508. Homepage, ISBN: 978-84-615-9740-6

San-Jose, Granado-Lorencio & Fitze (2012) Dietary lipids reduce the expression of carotenoid-based coloration in Lacerta vivipara.
Functional Ecology 26:646-656.

Fitze, Gonzalez-Jimena, San-Jose, San Mauro & Zardoya (2012) A New Species of Sand Racer, Psammodromus (Squamata: Lacertidae), from the Western Iberian Peninsula.
Zootaxa 3205:41-52.

Gonzalez-Jimena & Fitze (2012) Blood corticosterone levels and intersexual selection games: Best-of-bad-job strategies of male common lizards.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66:305-315.

San-Jose, Granado-Lorencio & Fitze (2012) Vitamin E, Vitamin A, and carotenoids in male common lizard tissues.
Herpetologica 68:88-99.

Rodríguez-Muela, Germain, Mariño, Fitze, Boya (2012) Autophagy promotes survival of retinal ganglion cells after optic nerve axotomy in mice.
Cell Death and Differentiation 19:162-169.

Fitze, Gonzalez-Jimena, San-Jose, San Mauro, Aragón, Suarez & Zardoya (2011) Integrative analyses of speciation and divergence in Psammodromus hispanicus (Squamata: Lacertidea).
BMC Evolutionary Biology 11:347.

Bleu, Le Galliard, Meylan, Massot& Fitze (2011) Mating does not influence reproductive investment, in a viviparous lizard.
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 315: 458-64.

Fitze & Le Galliard (2011) Inconsitency between Different Measures of Sexual Selection.
American Naturalist 178: 256-268.

Jacot, Romero-Diaz, Tschirren, Richner, Fitze (2010) Dissecting Carotenoid from Structural Components of Carotenoid-Based Coloration: A Field Experiment with Great Tits (Parus major).
American Naturalist 176: 55-62.

Fitze, Cote, Clobert (2010) Mating order dependent female mate choice in the polygynandrous Common Lizard Lacerta vivipara.
Oecologia 1625: 331-341. PDF

Milá, Wayne, Fitze & Smith (2009) Divergence with gene flow and fine-scale phylogographic structure in the wedge-billed woodcreeper (Glyphorynchus spirurus), a neotropical rainforest bird. Molecular Ecology 18: 2979-2995. PDF

Fitze, Cote, San-Jose, Meylan, Isaksson, Andersson, Rossi & Clobert (2009) Carotenoid-based colours reflect the stress response in the Common Lizard. PLoSONE 4:e5111. PDF

San-Jose, Gonzalez-Jimenez & Fitze (2008) Frequency and phenotypic differences of a melanistic and normally coloured common lizard, Lacerta (Zootoca) vivipara, Jacquin, 1787 of the Southern Pyrenees (Spain). Herpetological Review 39: 422-425. PDF

Cote, Le Galliard, Rossi & Fitze (2008) Environmentally induced changes in carotenoid-based coloration of female lizards: a comment on Vercken et al. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21: 1165-1172. PDF

Fitze & Le Galliard (2008) Operational sex ratio, sexual conflict, and the intensity of sexual selection. Ecology Letters 11: 1-8. PDF Cover page

Fitze, Cote, Martínez-Rica & Clobert (2008) Determinants of male fitness: disentangling intra- and inter-sexual selection. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21: 246-255. PDF

Le Galliard, Cote & Fitze (2008) Lifetime and intergenerational fitness consequences of harmful male interactions for female lizards. Ecology 89: 56-64. PDF

Cote, Clobert & Fitze (2007) Mother-offspring competition promotes colonization success. Proccedings of the National American Society of the United States of America 104: 9703-9708 PDF

Fitze,Tschirren, Gasparini & Richner (2007) Carotenoid-based plumage colors and immune function: is there a trade-off for rare carotenoids? American Naturalist 169: S137-144. PDF

Tschirren, Fitze & Richner (2007) Maternal modulation of natal dispersal in a passerine bird: an adaptive strategy to cope with parasitism? American Naturalist 169: 87-93. PDF

Cote, Clobert, Meylan & Fitze (2006) Experimental enhan cement of corticosterone levels positively affects subsequent male survival. Hormones and Behavior 49: 320-327. PDF

Fitze & Tschirren (2006). No evidence for survival selection on carotenoid-based nestling coloration in great tits (Parus major). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16: 91-100. PDF

Le Galliard*, Fitze*, Ferrière & Clobert (2005) Sex ratio bias, male aggression, and population collapse in lizards. Proccedings of the National American Society of the United States of America 102: 18231-18236. PDF

Fitze* Le Galliard*, Federici, Richard & Clobert (2005) Conflict over multiple partner mating between males and females of the polygynandrous common lizards. Evolution 59: 2451-2459. PDF

Le Galliard*, Fitze*, Cote, Massot, & Clobert (2005) Female common lizards (Lacerta vivipara) do not adjust their sex-biased investment in relation to the adult sex ratio. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18: 1455-1463. PDF

Tschirren, Saladin, Fitze, Schwabl, & Richner (2005) Maternal yolk androgens and ectoparasites: effects on nestling morphology, plasma corticosterone and immune function in great tit nestlings. Journal of Animal Ecology 74: 675-682. PDF

Tschirren, Fitze, & Richner (2005) Carotenoid-based nestling coloration and parental favouritism in the great tit (Parus major). Oecologia 143: 477-482. PDF

Fitze, Clobert & Richner (2004) Long-term life-history consequences of ectoparasite-modulated growth and development. Ecology 85: 2018-2026. PDF

Fitze, Tschirren & Richner (2004) Life history - and fitness consequences of ectoparasites in a natural bird population. Journal of Animal Ecology 73: 216-226. PDF

Fitze, Tschirren & Richner (2003) Carotenoid-based colour expression is determined early in nestling life. Oecologia 137:148-152. PDF

Tschirren, Fitze & Richner (2003) Sexual dimorphism in susceptibility to parasites and cell-mediated immunity in great tit nestlings. Journal of Animal Ecology 72: 839-845. PDF

Tschirren, Fitze & Richner (2003) Proximate mechanisms of variation in the carotenoid-based plumage coloration of nestling Great tits (Parus major). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16: 91-100. PDF

Fitze, Köliker & Richner (2003) Effects of common origin and common environment on nestling plumage coloration in the Great tit (Parus major). Evolution 57: 144-150. PDF

Büchler, Fitze, Gottstein, Jacot & Richner (2002) Analysis of parasite-induced maternal responses in a natural bird population. Journal of Animal Ecology 71: 247-252. PDF

Fitze & Richner (2002) Differential effects of a parasite on ornamental structures based on melanins and carotenoids. Behavioral Ecology 13: 401-407. PDF

Kölliker, Brinkhof, Heeb, Fitze & Richner (2000). The quantitative genetic basis of offspring solicitation and parental response in a passerine bird with biparental care. Proceedings of the Royal Society London: Biological Sciences 267: 2137-2132. PDF








Postdoctoral fellows

- Joshka Kaufmann                        Population dynamics

- Pedro Aragón                                Ecological niche modelling

- Borja Milá Valcárcel                      Population Genetics, Phylogenetics,


- Katleen Huyghe                            Colour Colour Polymorphisms, Behaviour



PhD students

- Cristina Romero Díaz                   Bird Coloration, Population Dynamics 

                                                             (UCM, Madrid)

- Merel Breedveld                            Sperm Competition  (UAM, Madrid)

- Virginia Gónzalez Jimena           Stress, Behaviour  (UAM, Madrid)

- Luis Martín San José García       Colouration, Population Dynamics  (UAM, Madrid)


Master students (TFM)

- Borja Maestresalas Andueza     Phylogeography

- James Neville                                 Lizard coloration and environmental

                                                             predictability (UCM, Madrid)

- Miguel Peñalver Alcázar             Population Ecology (UCM, Madrid)

- Alfonso Carretero González       Chemical communication, Sexual Selection

                                                             (UCM, Madrid)

- Reda Garmute                               Sexual Selection in Meloïdeae

                                                             (Vilnius University, Lituania)

- Guillem Malet Ponsati                 Evolution of Kin Competition  (UPF,



Last year proyects (TFG)

- Diego Vicente Sastre                   Effects of Environmental Colour on

                                                             Coloration (UAM, Madrid)

- Patricia Ortega Ramos                Coloration and population dynamics (UAM,


- Andrea Calvo Buesa                     Population Ecology (UNIZAR, Zargoza)

- M. Rosa Arribas Ramos                Reproductive Behaviour, Coloration  (UAM,


- Itziar López Zandueta                  Reproductive Behaviour  (UAM, Madrid)




- Marisa Peláez Aller                        Molecular Biology and Morfology

- Antonio Fernández de Paz         Experimental System Jaca / data handling

- Guillermo Jose Mercé Arévalo    Análisis de Laboratorio

- Miguel Peñalver Alcázar              Experimental System Jaca



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Drupal\Core\Database\DatabaseExceptionWrapper: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1114 The table 'watchdog' is full: INSERT INTO {watchdog} (uid, type, message, variables, severity, link, location, referer, hostname, timestamp) VALUES (:db_insert_placeholder_0, :db_insert_placeholder_1, :db_insert_placeholder_2, :db_insert_placeholder_3, :db_insert_placeholder_4, :db_insert_placeholder_5, :db_insert_placeholder_6, :db_insert_placeholder_7, :db_insert_placeholder_8, :db_insert_placeholder_9); Array ( [:db_insert_placeholder_0] => 0 [:db_insert_placeholder_1] => cron [:db_insert_placeholder_2] => Starting execution of @module_cron(). [:db_insert_placeholder_3] => a:1:{s:7:"@module";s:10:"aggregator";} [:db_insert_placeholder_4] => 5 [:db_insert_placeholder_5] => [:db_insert_placeholder_6] => [:db_insert_placeholder_7] => [:db_insert_placeholder_8] => [:db_insert_placeholder_9] => 1738781649 ) in Drupal\dblog\Logger\DbLog->log() (line 78 of core/modules/dblog/src/Logger/DbLog.php).
Drupal\dblog\Logger\DbLog->log(5, 'Starting execution of @module_cron().', Array) (Line: 103)
Drupal\dblog\Logger\DbLog->log(5, 'Starting execution of @module_cron().', Array) (Line: 127)
Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannel->log(5, 'Starting execution of @module_cron().', Array) (Line: 99)
Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannel->notice('Starting execution of @module_cron().', Array) (Line: 222)
Drupal\Core\Cron->invokeCronHandlers() (Line: 134)
Drupal\Core\Cron->run() (Line: 75)
Drupal\Core\ProxyClass\Cron->run() (Line: 65)
Drupal\automated_cron\EventSubscriber\AutomatedCron->onTerminate(Object, 'kernel.terminate', Object)
call_user_func(Array, Object, 'kernel.terminate', Object) (Line: 111)
Drupal\Component\EventDispatcher\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher->dispatch('kernel.terminate', Object) (Line: 88)
Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->terminate(Object, Object) (Line: 32)
Stack\StackedHttpKernel->terminate(Object, Object) (Line: 686)
Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel->terminate(Object, Object) (Line: 22)